Agenda Item 7.
The Board Will Review Proposed DFCs For GMA 1 And GMA 2 And Consider For Approval Date Of Public Hearings.
Recent activity in GMA #1 and GMA #2:
- Proposed DFCs adopted in GMA #1 on March 18, using same methodology as 2016 DFCs.
- Proposed DFCs adopted in GMA #2 on March 25, using same methodology as 2016 DFCs.
Previously, HPWD used the following schedule in 2016:
From TWC 36.108 (d-2)
A period of not less than 90 days for public comments begins on the day the proposed desired future conditions are mailed to the districts. During the public comment period and after posting notice as required by Section 36.063, each district shall hold a public hearing on any proposed desired future conditions relevant to that district. During the public comment period, the district shall make available in its office a copy of the proposed desired future conditions and any supporting materials, such as the documentation of factors considered under Subsection (d) and groundwater availability model run results. After the close of the public comment period, the district shall compile for consideration at the next joint planning meeting a summary of relevant comments received, any suggested revisions to the proposed desired future conditions, and the basis for the revisions. |